Book an appointment.

Schedule an Astrology and/or a Spiritual Hypnotherapy appointment. If you do not find a time that works with your schedule send me a message at I can be flexible.


NATAL/BIRTH CHART READING: A birth chart is simply a physical map of the sky at the time you were born. It contains powerful information about the types of energies you were exposed to at your precise moment of birth and continue to work with throughout your life. It provides your life lesson, your soul’s purpose, your strengths, your challenges, energies you are releasing and energies you are learning to work with to create evolution.

TRANSIT READING: Astrology transit and progression are techniques that reveal the current planetary influences and your personal growth over time. Transits highlight present planetary positions, while progressions symbolize the gradual evolution of your chart. By understanding these movements, you gain insights into life events and personal development, aiding informed decisions and self-awareness. This reading provides insight on the current astrological energies you are working with including beneficial and challenging energies.

SOLAR RETURN/BIRTHDAY READING: The solar return chart is an astrology chart that's calculated for the exact moment the Sun returns to its "natal" or birth position(your birthday) predicting the themes you will be working with the next year. A great birthday gift!

RELATIONSHIP READING : Analyzes and interprets the way the planets in your astrology charts interact with another person’s astrology chart. This can be family, partner, friend. This reading provides insight on strengths and challenges in the relationship and how to work with these energies.

ONGOING ASTROLOGICAL COACHING: this option is available for clients who have already had a Natal chart reading with me. These sessions are 60 minutes and provide deeper support for understanding your chart at a deeper level or for support during astrological change so we can utilize the energies for our greatest growth.

ASTROLOGICAL HYPNOTHERAPY: this option is available for clients who have already had a Natal chart reading with me. I use the Natal chart or current transits the client is experiencing and hypnotherapy to create change and healing on a deep soul and subconscious level. This is a powerful healing combination.

"Astrology is the belief that the alignment of stars and planets affects every individual's mood, personality, and environment, depending on when and where they are born. I practice a blend of Applied Astrology, Evolutionary Astrology and Western Astrology. My focus is on your soul’s growth and evolution, your gifts, strengths and your main life lesson indicated by your Saturn placement.


Spiritual hypnotherapy


The soul is the spiritual essence of a person, which includes one's identity, personality, and memories, the essence of a living being that is believed to move from lifetime to lifetime.

Soul loss can occur when we experience trauma in our current or past lives. This trauma can be physical, emotional or psychological trauma. A part of the soul disengages from the body, carrying with it pain, emotions, and memories of the experience. It can have negative effects if not addressed. The disengaged soul fragment takes with it strengths, skills, knowledge, gifts and abilities. Symptoms of soul loss: depression, a feeling of being lost, disconnection from self, low self esteem, anxiety, lack of direction, difficulties in relationships, health issues, feeling stuck. To fill the space caused by soul loss people may engage in unhealthy behaviors like substance abuse, overeating, anything outside of themselves to try to fill the void.

Soul Retrieval is a practice to heal soul loss and reclaim one’s true self and wholeness. A process of reclaiming and reintegrating fragments of the soul. Benefits of Soul Retrieval: reconnection to higher self, emotional healing, renewed purpose, improved health and energy, a restoration of gifts, skills, knowledge and abilities lost leading to a more fulfilled and authentic life, a feeling of wholeness.

During a Soul retrieval session I will guide you to a relaxed state where you can access memories and reclaim lost soul fragments in order to restore connection to self and feel a greater sense of wholeness. A great way to reach deeper aspects of self with the help of a guide.

chakra healing

The chakra system is 7 spinning energy centers in our body along our spine that link the physical body to the spiritual realm and 3 additional chakras outside of the body. Each chakra is responsible for certain physical, spiritual and emotional functions. Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses guided relaxation to tap into the subconscious where the client can explore memories, feelings, thoughts that they suppress in the conscious mind. Exploring the chakras through hypnotherapy offers insight into ones behavioral patterns, beliefs, energy imbalances leading to increased self awareness, healing and a stronger sense of self. Chakra healing can implant positive affirmations into the subconscious, reinforcing healing. For example, a person with a blocked Throat Chakra can implant affirmations like “I speak my truth”. Some chakra imbalances can be the result of past events and hypnotherapy can allow for healing and resolution rebalancing the chakras. The benefits of Chakra healing are enhanced self awareness, empowerment, spiritual and personal growth. Merging Chakra healing and hypnotherapy can offer a comprehensive approach to holistic wellness.

Past Life Regression

Past life regression is the use of hypnosis to retrieve experiences of other lifetimes. Looking into the memories of the subconscious mind creates healing and understanding of the deeper aspects of the personality leading to wholeness. Past life Regresson can heal phobias, unexplained pain, clarify life purpose and core values.